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City of shapes Fall 2017


This is was made in sketch up a sketching software. this was made with different geometric shapes.


This is a project made in Auto cad using 2-d grid and snap. We used grid, snap, and the line command to make an alphabet using only straight lines. After the alphabet we had to make our name and Birthday in the same font style. After creating all of the required elements we were told to add color using the hatch command.

This is the finished product.

This is a 2-D Model of the classic game GALAGA. We made this the hatch tool,Snap, Grid, Line,And the copy tool. The design is based off of the original 8-bit game. This was made with the original three enimies and the original 8-bit plane. 


We created a checkers board using the array tool. The checkers were made using the polar array and offset tools. The chess board was made using the rectangular array tool and hatch. After we made the checkers we used the insert tool to make them into one piece. We then placed the checkers on the board using to insert tool to make it to the point where the game was playable.This is my creation of a 2-D checker board in auto cad.

Click on images for pdf.


This my Tetris board. To make the shapes I made one single square and copied it into a single copy of all the shapes that were used in the game. I then proceeded to hatch the shapes to their proper colors. once I had constructed to board I began to put the shapes in place and rotate them to their proper position. 

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